Programs & Activities
At Daleel, we want to create a strong foundation with thoughtfully structured processes, procedures and programs that positively support, contribute to and facilitate the educational goals of individuals. Our community members are at the heart of every service we design and deliver.
Family Counseling
Due to resource limitations, Daleel does not provide family counseling. However, we will work with individuals and families to gain access to these important resources. Where necessary, we will help seek out and help secure these resources.
Sport Activities
Physical health and mental health are closely linked and have very strong connections. Daleel will invest in the physical health of our community through organized sports and standalone activities. Our goal is to promote physical, mental and spiritual health.
Women Empowerment
The health of a community is vitally dependent on our grandmothers, mothers, aunts, sisters, daughters and wives. Islam as a religion is a pioneer in women’s rights, including rights of inheritance. In North America, as late as the 1920s, women were considered property. This is a direct contradiction to the rights of women under Islam, given to women over 1400 years ago. Women are the center of our community. We understand that. We respect that. We are heavily committed to nurturing the health and well-being our sisters. We will not shy away from fighting against any cultural injustices that infringe upon the rights of our sisters under Islam.